As pharmaceutical providers, we take it upon ourselves to engage with and educate society in order to raise healthcare awareness.

AbelaPharm hosts medical expert meeting in Vienna

AbelaPharm hosts medical expert meeting in Vienna

Vienna, Expert meeting 12th - 15th of October 2017 AbelaPharm held an expert meeting in Vienna, hosting over 50 medical practitioners from all over Serbia. The event had medical professionals speak on a number of topics - one of which, was the importance of probiotics...

AbelaPharm sponsors JUSK 2016

AbelaPharm sponsors JUSK 2016

Keynote speakers present: Dr. Valentina Marinković, professor, PhD (Serbia) Dr. Jun Ni, professor, PhD (USA) Dr. Numar Durakbasa, professor, PhD (Austria) Dr. Guenter Arndt, professor, PhD (Australia) AbelaPharm sponsored one of the most important seminars in Serbia...

AbelaPharm attends the Third Age Fair in Belgrade

AbelaPharm attends the Third Age Fair in Belgrade

The Third Age Fair was a two day event that aims to raise the general public’s health awareness - this year’s slogan was “Let’s re-enter youth together.” The event took place at the Belgrade Fair hall and was held between the 25th and 26th of May. The aim of the fair...

AbelaPharm sponsors annual Pharmaceutical spring meeting XXII FASUS

AbelaPharm sponsors annual Pharmaceutical spring meeting XXII FASUS

XXII FASUS - Organized by BBSoft and sponsored by AbelaPharm - was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade, on the 3rd of April 2015. Swiss pharmaceutical company, AbelaPharm was honored to sponsor and actively participate in such an engaging and educational...

AbelaPharm presents CARDIOvitamin to medical professionals

AbelaPharm presents CARDIOvitamin to medical professionals

Keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Zorana Vasiljević Prof. Dr. Nenad Ugrešić CLICK HERE to see photos from the event. Swiss pharmaceutical producer, AbelaPharm presented their cardiovascular product, CARDIOvitamin  - a unique product intended for prevention and treatment of...